In these crazy times, it’s good to get out and get some fresh air on a nature walk! My husband and I have been going for daily walks around the block.
While social distancing is hard to get used to, I really feel that the fresh air helps lower our anxiety and provides some peace in this stressful time.
Neighborhood Nature Walk
We see a lot of families out for a walk. I love to see the quality time they are spending together! I know that parents are doing whatever they can to provide enriching experiences for their children at home. With that in mind, I created this nature walk resource that you can email out to your parents for them to use at home.

Practice Key Math Skills
The first sheet has some great counting and tally mark practice. Just grab a clipboard and pencil, and as you walk through the neighborhood record the objects you see. I tried to use things that would be in most people’s neighborhoods regardless of the part of the country that they lived in.

Next is a graphing activity where you take your tally mark numbers and graph them out. Getting some standards practice in while still having fun!

Practice Writing Skills
I also included a labeling page that kids can color and then sound out and write the various objects in the picture.
Lastly, I added a writing page where students can record a short synopsis of their walk with their parents.
Additional Resources
Add in some engaging reading time to your nature walks with one of the books below. You can also find additional science books you might like by taking a look at my extensive list of the best science books for kindergarten!

If you are looking for more spring activities check out the resources I have on my website!
If you’d like a free copy of this resource (that you are more than welcome to email to parents) just fill out the information below: